Spanish Mushrooms Tapas-Style

Known as champinones al ajillo. You'll find this item on any Spanish tapas' bar menu. Use the best quality ingredients you can find! Serve the mushrooms with crusty bread and a glass of Spanish wine...that's an order! Source: Chef Miguel Cueto as found online. So easy to prepare! Show more

Ready In: 14 mins

Serves: 2




  1. In a sautè pan, heat the olive oil until hot but {NOT} smoking. Sautè the garlic for about 1 minute, being careful not to burn!
  2. Add the mushrooms and cook 1 minute.
  3. Add the remaining ingredients except for the parsley and lemon slices and simmer for 2 minutes.
  4. Garnish with the fresh parsley and serve immediately. Serve with lemon slices.
  5. Heaven is these mushrooms scooped up with crusty bread! Trust me!
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