Spam Fried Rice

Wondering what to do with that leftover rice? Using your day-old rice to mix with Spam is very popular in Hawai'i. You don't have to add the ketchup, but it never hurts to try, and it makes it very yummy! Enjoy! Show more

Ready In: 18 mins

Serves: 4-6




  1. Chop the Spam into 1/2 inch pieces, fry with the cooking oil on medium/high heat.
  2. Add the chopped round onion, cook until the onions are clear.
  3. Add the sesame oil.
  4. Immediately add the cold rice. Keep stirring and tossing to heat up the rice, when the rice starts to get hot and loosen up.
  5. Slowly add the ketchup. Keep stirring until the rice is covered with the ketchup and until the desired taste is achieved. When done, set aside.
  6. Grab another frying pan and fry the eggs. When the eggs are done, scoop some of the rice in a bowl, top with an egg and garnish with the chopped green onion.
  7. Serve with Tabasco.
  8. This recipe typically does not work too well with freshly cooked rice.
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