Spaghetti with Spinach and Feta Cheese Sauce

Did you know that ideally thin delicate pastas such as Spaghetti and Vermicelli should be served with light, thin sauces and thicker pastas, contastingly, like Tagliatelle go well with heavier sauces? Pasta shapes with holes and ridges like Macaroni and Fusilli are perfect for chunkier sauces. Show more

Ready In: 41 mins

Serves: 2




  1. Heat margarine in a skillet.
  2. Saute shallots and garlic for 4 minutes in the margarine.
  3. Stir while doing so.
  4. Add flour.
  5. Cook for 1 minute on low flame.
  6. Add milk and remove from heat.
  7. Keep aside.
  8. Squeeze out the water from the spinach and chop.
  9. Add spinach, cheese, bell pepper, salt and pepper to taste to the cooked sauce.
  10. Re-heat on low heat.
  11. Stir well for a minute.
  12. Remove from heat.
  13. Garnish with parsley.
  14. Serve on pasta.
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