Sopa De Pollo (Central/South American Chicken Soup)

I have been eating this soup since I was a little kid. It is a staple recipe in hispanic third world countries. I especially enjoy it during cold winter months. It is usually served with rice and warn corn tortillas. Show more

Ready In: 45 mins

Serves: 5-6




  1. On medium high heat in a Very large pot, add oil and heat. Once oil is heated, add bell pepper, onion and celery. Saute for about 1 1/2 minutes. Add chicken pieces and brown for about 6-8 minutes (raising the heat to high heat if neccesary to brown chicken if medium heat is causing to much moisture to build up and not enough browning). Add 6 cups of water to the pot.
  2. Bring the soup to a quick simmer and then add the rest of the veggies to pot EXCEPT for the cabbage (the yucca should go at the very top of the pot as it has a tendency to stick to the bottom of the pot). If there is not enough water to cover the veggies, this is the time to add a bit more water. Once veggies are in the pot, season the soup with both of the chicken bullions, cumin and black pepper to flavor. Add some salt if neccesary.
  3. Carefully add the quartered cabbage to the pot, being careful to try and keep the leaves together. Place a lid on the pot and cook on medium high for about 20-25 minutes or atleast UNTIL the potatoes/chayote squash are tender. Add the cilantro at the last 10 minutes of cooking.
  4. Serve with white rice. The plaintain is peeled when the person eats it. The peel helps keep the plantain from getting all mushy during the cooking and it gives the soup a different apeal.
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