Snowball Cookies

My mom used to make these when I was a kid. I make them now at Christmas time. They melt in your mouth. I usually make a double or triple batch. These are heavenly and bring back wonderful memories! Show more

Ready In: 50 mins

Serves: 12

Yields: 4 dozen




  1. Cream butter and 3 tablespoons confectiner's sugar until fluffy in a medium-size bowl.
  2. Stir in flour gradually, then pecans until well blended.
  3. Chill several hours or until firm enough to handle.
  4. Roll dough, a teaspoonful at a time, into marble sized balls between palms of hands.
  5. Place two inches apart on ungreased cookie sheets.
  6. Bake in a slow (325 degrees) oven 20 minutes, or until lightly golden.
  7. Cool on cookie sheets 2 - 3 minutes, remove carefully.
  8. Put remaining confectioner's sugar in a bowl and carefully roll still warm cookies to make a generous white coating.
  9. Cool completely.
  10. Store with waxed paper or transparent wrap between layers in container with tip fitting cover.
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