Sirloin Tip Fajitas

Warning: These fajitas are addictive!

Ready In: 45 mins

Serves: 4

Yields: 8 Fajitas




  1. Thinly slice pappers.
  2. 1. Marinade meat overnight in pineapple juice.
  3. 2. Thinly slice peppers into long strips.
  4. 3. Chop Spinach.
  5. 5. Heat oil and stir fry meat strips for one minute until medium rare.
  6. 6. Remove meat from pan.
  7. 7. Add peppers to pan with more oil if needed and toss until tender.
  8. 8. Add spices and one cup of water OR, preferably, add one one ounce package of prepared fajita sauce mix and once cup of water to a soft boil. Add meat to the pepper sauce and heat through.
  9. 9. Serve over soft tortilla shells with chopped spinach and cheese and drained tomatoes.
  10. 10 Roll each fajita and microwave if necessary.
  11. 11. Serve with additional toppings if desired such as avocado slices or black olives.
  12. 12. Squeeze Lemon juice over entire plate for the best experience.
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