Simply Divine Chocolate Torte.

A meringue crust spread with melted chocolate and topped with chocolate mousse like cream. Top that off with rossettes of whipped cream & chopped nuts..Yum!! This one comes from another of my 'old' books "Triple Tested Recipes". Cooking time does not include chilling time. Show more

Ready In: 3 hrs 20 mins

Serves: 8-10




  1. Make shell:.
  2. Beat whites of eggs, salt and vinegar in a bowl with an electric mixer until soft peaks form.
  3. Blend sugar and cinnamon and add slowly to egg whites, beating well between additions.
  4. Continue beating until stiff peaks form and sugar has dissolved.
  5. Spread in an 8"/20cm circle on wet greaseproof paper on an oven tray.
  6. Make the bottom 1/2"(15mm) thick and mound edge to 1& 3/4"(40mm). To neaten, form ridges on outside of shell with the back of a teaspoon.
  7. Bake in a very slow oven 270'F/130C for 1 hour.
  8. Turn oven off and leave shell in oven to dry with the door closed for about 2 hours.
  9. Peel off paper and place on serving platter.
  10. Filling:.
  11. Melt chocolate either over hot water or in microwave.
  12. Cool slightly then spread approx 2 Tbsp of the melted chocolate over the bottom of cooled meringue shell.
  13. To remaining chocolate add the egg yolks and water and blend together.
  14. Chill until mixture is thick.
  15. Combine cream. sugar and cinnamon and whip until stiff.
  16. Spread half of this plain cream over the chocolate in base.
  17. Fold remaining cream into the chocolate mixture.
  18. Spread on top.
  19. Chill for several hours or overnight.
  20. Decorate with rossettes of whipped cream and chopped nuts.
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