Simple Light Swiss Chard and Spaghetti

I've been growing swiss chard lately, and it is abundant. I've been going through a bunch of recipes with it, and just love the stuff. This is a modification of my other swiss chard and salmon recipe, using canned salmon. if you're a vegetarian, by all means omit the salmon. It is still delicious. If you are a vegetarian this is a pretty cheap meal. It can of course be dressed up with fresh salmon for guests too. Show more

Ready In: 20 mins

Serves: 4




  1. Bring a large pot of water to boil. While chopping vegetables and opening cans.
  2. Saute garlic and oregano in oil over medium heat for about 1 minute until garlic is slightly cooked (but not browned), then add swiss chard and cook until wilted.
  3. When water comes to a boil, add salt and sprig from oregano along with the pasta and cook 2 minutes less than the package directions indicate for the pasta cooking time.
  4. Add the white wine to the swiss chard pan to deglaze it, scraping the bits in the bottom of the pan. Let the alcohol cook off for a few minutes then add tomatoes (with liquid) and salmon.
  5. Break up the salmon a bit in the sauce.
  6. When the pasta is 2 minutes from finished, remove the pasta from the water and finish cooking in the sauce. Serve immediately.
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