Simple Cornbread

Forget Jiffy! Here's my mom's cornbread recipe that she's been using for years.

Ready In: 40 mins

Serves: 8




  1. Preheat oven 350 degrees.
  2. Melt butter in cast iron skillet that will be used to cook cornbread.
  3. Combine all ingredients except butter in a large bowl. Mix well.
  4. Pour melted butter into batter and stir until blended.
  5. Pour batter into skillet. Cook for 25-30 minutes or until done (depends on your oven.) Serve hot.
  6. Extra: This recipe is simple yet tricky. My mother makes this perfectly. But I don't make it so perfectly, I have even tried making it in the presence of her, and it still doesn't come out right. Sometimes mine comes out flat and dry. While my mom's comes out fluffy and moist. We both use the exact same recipe.
  7. I really believe that it depends on how you much you stir. Do not over stir, do not under stir the batter. But when it's done right, it comes out fantastic.
  8. So, try at your own risk.
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