Simple, but wonderful avocado dip

A quick and spicy creamy avocado dip that was discovered by mistake before a football game.

Ready In: 20 mins

Serves: 8




  1. Take the avocados and get rid of the skin and the seed.
  2. Mash them up.
  3. (you can do it using a simple potato masher or even a fork).
  4. Add garlic and mix well.
  5. Stir in about half of the sour cream.
  6. Add spices and hot sauce and stir well.
  7. Let sit for 5-10 minutes.
  8. Leting it sit lets the hot sauce and garlic to go to work.
  9. Add as much sour cream as you want.
  10. The more you add the more heat you will take away.
  11. Enjoy with veggies or chips.
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