Shredded Chicken Salad

This is a nice fresh chicken salad with the flavours of Asia

Ready In: 50 mins

Serves: 4-6

Yields: 4-6 




  1. Combine the Dressing ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Set aside.
  2. Bring the water and salt to a boil in a saucepan or small pot over medium heat, and poach the chicken for about 15 minutes until cooked. Remove and set aside to cool. Shred the chicken along the grain into long thin strips.
  3. Combine the chicken strips, cabbage, carrot, mint and basil in a mixing bowl and gently toss to mix well, adding the Dressing a little at a time.
  4. Transfer the salad to a serving platter and sprinkle the peanuts on top. Serve immediately, garnished with coriander leaves, green onion and Crispy Fried Shallots.
  5. *Crispy Fried Shallots are readily available in packets or jars in most supermarkets and Asian food stores. To make them at home, thinly slice several cloves of garlic or shallots as desired and stir-fry in hot oil over low heat for 1 to 2 minutes, stirring constantly, until golden brown and crispy. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels.
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