Shaved Asparagus & Prosciutto Salad

Finely shaving the asparagus means the stalks can be eaten practically raw.

Ready In: 25 mins

Serves: 2




  1. Cut the tips away from the asparagus stalks then cook the tips in boiling water for 2 mins before plunging into iced water. Cook the stalks for 30 seconds then plunge into the iced water too.
  2. Mix the olive oil, lemon juice and lemon thyme together in a bowl and season with pepper. Using a swivel blade vegetable peeler, strip ribbons off the stalks, dropping them into the bowl of dressing as you go.
  3. To serve, place a pile of asparagus ribbons in the centre of each plate. Drape the prosciutto around the side, scatter over the asparagus tips and parmesan then drizzle with some more of the dressing.

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