Scrambled Eggs and Fried Beef Salami

My mother made this for us growing up and now I make it for family! So simple, no butter or oil needed since you fry the salami in a dry pan. We use kosher beef salami. It comes packaged like a thick sausage or in slices. Show more

Ready In: 7 mins

Serves: 1-2


  • 14 cup  beef salami, diced or cubed
  • 2  eggs


  1. Beat the eggs in a bowl and set aside.
  2. In a small frying pan, over medium heat, add the salami. Using a spatula, brown the salami on all sides. This won't take long.
  3. Once it is browned, add the eggs to the salami.
  4. Use the spatula to move the eggs around in the pan until they are set to your taste.
  5. Turn out to a plate as soon as they are done and enjoy!
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