Santa Fe Veggie Wraps

Santa Fe Veggie Wraps

Ready In: 30 mins

Serves: 2




  1. Place the tortilla on a plate.
  2. Place the shredded cheese on tortilla to cover.
  3. Place rice on cheese; pour the chipotle honey sauce over all ingredients.
  4. Microwave for 60 seconds or longer to heat rice and tortilla.
  5. Sprinkle the tomatoes across bottom 1/3 of tortilla.
  6. Place the avocado slices over the tomatoes.
  7. Place the fried tortilla strips or crushed chips on avocado.
  8. Roll up the wrapper tightly.
  9. Rice Medley:
  10. Choose your favorite seasoned rice mix and cook according to package directions. Mix in desired amount of cooked corn, black beans, red beans, bell peppers and onion and toss well.
  11. Chipotle Honey Sauce:
  12. Mix together the honey mustard dressing, lime juice and chipotles into a sauce. You can add more or less of the chipotle for a spicier or milder sauce.
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