Salted Grilled Fish

An amazing dinner fish, really easy too. I serve it on a bed of stirfry and beansprouts with something green like bok choy. I prepare everything before the guests arive, then 20 mins before we sit down to eat, pop it all in the oven/on the stove! It's awesome and always gets compliments! Show more

Ready In: 45 mins

Serves: 4




  1. Rinse the fish under cold water and pat dry with paper towels. Place the lemon slices inside the fish.
  2. Finely grate the ginger using the smallest side of the grater. Use your hands to squeeze out as much juice as possible from the pulp. Reserve the juice and discard the dry pulp.
  3. Place the ginger juice, mirin and soy sauce in a small bowl and mix to combine. Pour the mixture evenly over the fish and sprinkle both sides of the fish with salt. Cover the fish tail and fins with salt to protect it from burning.
  4. Line a grill tray with foil and place it on the level furthest from the heat - if fish is too close to the heat it will cook too quickly and could burn. Cook the fish until golden brown on both sides (unless you chose the snapper!) and the flesh flakes easily when tested with a fork - this will take about 6 to 8 minutes, depending on the thickness and variety of the fish.
  5. (Remember to remove the salt off the fins and tail!).
  6. Place the fish on the plate, garnish with some ginger slices and serve immediately.
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