Salsa Perfecto

A totally delicious salsa recipe that combines fresh ingredients with cooked tomatoes that gives it a fresh but very salsa-y taste. I've finally gotten the ingredients down to exact measurements! I'm required by my [extended] family to keep at least half a gallon in my house at all times. Goes great with cheese dip, on tacos, in soups, whatever! In Paris, I made this all the time, and my friends would literally drink it. Out of wine glasses. Maybe they just missed Mexican food, but I'm thinking it's because the recipe is so good! Show more

Ready In: 10 mins

Serves: 20

Yields: 1/2 gallon




  1. Throw garlic, jalapeños, and cilantro in a food process and blend til pretty smooth.
  2. Toss in onions and blend til pretty smooth again.
  3. Throw in fresh tomatoes and chop til no big chunks of tomato.
  4. Transfer mixture to the bowl in which you'll keep it.
  5. Dump in all canned tomatoes and blend with an immersion blender until desired consistency.
  6. Mix in salt and refrigerate for an hour. Taste and salt to taste.
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