Salade Paysanne De Clementine

A beautiful mediterranean salad!

Ready In: 30 mins

Serves: 2




  1. dry roast the pine nuts in a dry fryingpan.
  2. sprinkle some salt over them and let stand for a few minutes.
  3. Fry the ham until it is brown and crisp.
  4. sprinkel salt and pepper over the chicken livers and fry them in 1 tbsp of oil and with the garlic for aprox 4 minutes.
  5. Make a dressing with 2 tbsp of oil, and the balsamico, thyme, salt and pepper.
  6. Lay out the rucola on 2 plates.
  7. Spead the tomato slices over the rucola and pour over the dressing.
  8. Evenly divide the rest of the ingredients over the tomatoes leaving the pine nuts until last.
  9. Serve immidiately.
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