Rosemary Lemon Flatbread


Ready In: 26 mins

Serves: 8

Yields: 8 flatbread




  1. Combine dry ingredients, rosemary and lemon zest in a bowl.
  2. Stir in, with a fork, olive oil until mixed. Pour in 1/3 cup.
  3. water and stir. Add more water gradually until a dough is.
  4. formed. Knead dough for 6-8 minutes on a lightly floured.
  5. surface. Cover dough and let rest for 15 minutes. Divide dough.
  6. into 8 sections. Roll dough out to about 5-6 inches diameter.
  7. In a hot iron skillet, place dough and turn over when dough is.
  8. puffed and has brown flecks. Cook other side as well. Store inches.
  9. a covered container to soften for sandwiches. Makes 8 flatbread.
  10. * Spread a mixture of butter or butter/oil mixture, garlic.
  11. salt, grated parmesan cheese and minced garlic on flatbread.
  12. and bake at 375 for a few minutes until warmed.
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