Rolled Cherry Upside Down Cake

A rather impressive dessert from the Mississippi Valley chapter of the United States Regional Cookbook, Culinary Arts Institute of Chicago, 1947. Cooling time not included in preparation time. The original recipe did not specify what size pan to use....I believe that a 13 x 9" pan is what's needed for this recipe. Show more

Ready In: 45 mins

Serves: 12


  • Fruit Mixture

  • 14 cup butter
  • 1 12 cups sugar
  • 3  cups cherries, pitted (fresh is best, but canned is fine)
  • 1  tablespoon flour
  • Cake Batter

  • 4  eggs, separated
  • 34 cup sugar
  • 34 cup cake flour, sifted
  • 12 teaspoon vanilla
  • 18 teaspoon salt


  1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
  2. Melt butter in a oblong shallow cake pan; add half the sugar and cover with cherries mixed with the remaining sugar and flour.
  3. Set in oven to heat while preparing cake batter.
  4. Beat egg whites stiffly and carefully fold in sugar and flour, which have been well mixed.
  5. Add vanilla and salt; fold in egg yolks which have been beaten until light and lemon colored.
  6. Spread cake batter over hot cherries and bake for 30 minutes or until cake springs back when gently pressed with fingertips.
  7. Let cool one minute; turn out, upside down, on a waxed paper dusted with confectioners' sugar.
  8. Roll up at once like a jelly roll.
  9. Cool until just warm, slice and serve with a creamy custard sauce or whipped cream.
  10. This dessert does not improve with standing.
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