Rock Salt Prime Rib

This is the only recipe that my family will ever use for prime rib. No other will do... I know that the ingredients may seem a little strange, but believe me, it is wonderful!! They guys in our family especially get a kick out of this one as they get to make the pan and use a few tools... have fun!! Show more

Ready In: 3 hrs 30 mins

Serves: 10


  • 40  lbs rock salt
  • 10 -15  lbs  prime rib roast, brought to room tempeture (or standing rib roast)
  • 2 -3  garlic cloves, crushed
  •  horseradish (to taste)
  •  pepper (to taste, we like a lot)
  • 1 -2  cup water (to sprinkle the salt)


  1. Get out a large aluminum throw away roasting pan (the deeper the beater) and 4 or 6 aluminum "ribbed" drip pans to make side-boards for the roasting pan, nails and a hammer.
  2. Preheat oven to 550 degrees.
  3. Mix crushed garlic, horseradish and pepper.
  4. Run over entire roast.
  5. Remove you oven rack and place on a strong table and place roaster on the rack.
  6. Standing drip pans on their side, line the roaster with the drip pans and pour 2 inches of roack salt in the roaster to help secure the drip pans.
  7. Sprinkle the two inches of rocksalt with one glass of water and pat down firmly.
  8. Place prime rib, fatty side up, in the center of the roaster, on top of the rock salt.
  9. Pour remaining rock salt on the roast making sure that all of the roast has at least one inch of rock salt covering it (you may need to use a nail or staple to join the drip pans if they appear to leak the rock salt).
  10. Sprinkle more water and pat down until there are NO CRACKS!
  11. Place the roast rack on the lowest possible setting in your oven and cook 20 minutes per pound for rare (center will be rare-rare) or 21 minutes per pound medium rare (rare with a firm center).
  12. Remove the roast from the oven and take outside and place on concrete (wood cannot stand the heat!) and break open with a hammer.
  13. Remove the roast.
  14. Brush clinging salt from the roast with a vegetable brush.
  15. Juice will be extra red and the roast will be extremely juicy!
  16. The rock salt will not make the meat salty, only in some instances on the outer "crispy" areas.
  17. Enjoy!
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