Roasted Pecan Salad

Great Salad for people who are not big salad people.

Ready In: 1 hr 30 mins

Serves: 4-6




  1. I have a small rocket blender so I just throw all the ingredients for the dressing in here and let it mince my shallots along with it. Stick in to the frig until ready to serve.
  2. The Pecans are the most time consuming but I like to double this and my family will just snack on them too.
  3. Put all the ingredients into a pot except the pecans.
  4. Once everything is melted and mixed together pour in to a big bowl with the pecans. Place the coated place on a piece of wax paper on a cookie sheet. Roast pecans at 250 for 1 hours
  5. Let them cool, but make sure you don't let them completly cool before breaking up. They will be sticky untill completly cool and will clump together.
  6. Just throw on top of your mixed greens and blue/fetta cheese. Add your dressing and enjoy.
  7. This is a great salad for parties. I never know what veggies people like and the pecans are always a hit. I will throw them on any salad to add a spicey sweet and crunch.
  8. I am also going to make the pecans as gifts for my neighbors b/c the liked them so much.
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