Rita's Christmas Cheese Logs

Pop's secretary, Rita, is one of the best cooks! She brings in stuff to the store all the time. (Pop is the store manager at a farm equipment place.) She gives all the employees there a plate of candy and some of this every year for Christmas. When I lived at home, I'd sneak and eat a chunk right off the ball (like an apple..no knife necessary) and Mom would find teeth marks in it the next morning. So, I got the recipe so I could make some and not worry about leaving teeth marks in Pop's. It's good, but you really do need to let this hang out in the fridge and "mellow" a day or two before you eat it. Serving size of the recipe also depends on how big you make your logs. **Cook time is "mellowing" time.** Show more

Ready In: 24 hrs 30 mins

Yields: 10 logs




  1. Allow all ingredients to come to room temperature.
  2. Mix ingredients in a food processor or with a powerful mixer.
  3. Shape into balls or logs in the desired size and roll in the pecans. Wrap in plastic wrap and return to the refrigerator.

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