Rice, Spinach and Spicy Chickpeas

I was eating this while typing the recipe--not too spicy, just right :)

Ready In: 30 mins

Serves: 2

Yields: 2 platefulls




  1. Defrost your spinach and rinse the rice.
  2. Put rice in a pan and fill with water (water should be about and inch and a half over the rice).
  3. Bring to the boil and add your spinach.
  4. Boil until the rice is cooked; strain and set aside.
  5. While the rice is cooking heat a wok or large pan and fry the chickpeas in the oil (be careful, chickpeas from a jar tend to explode when fried--never deep fry them!).
  6. Add the spices and fry some more.
  7. Add the soy sauce and stir, before it all evaporates, to coat the chickpeas.
  8. Serve with rice (add some butter to rice).
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