Rice Cooler Drink Mexican Style - Horchata

A refreshing beverage with variations of delicious flavors. Enjoy.

Ready In: 8 hrs

Serves: 4

Yields: 1 Quart




  1. Place rice in a large bowl. Pour warm water over rice. Set aside an soak overnight.
  2. Pour into blender jar; process until smooth. Strain mixture through a fine mesh sieve.
  3. Return to blender, process again. Strain mixture into pitcher through a clean, dampened towel or cheese cloth. Rinse blender, return mixture to blender.
  4. Add sugar and vanilla and process until combined. Refrigerate until chilled. Serve over crushed ice.
  6. CONDENSED MILK: substitute a can of sweetened condensed milk for the sugar and blend with the rice. Serve with ground cinnamon on top.
  7. CHOCOLATE - Add 2 ounces grated Mexican chocolate to rice. Continue as directed above.
  8. STRAWBERRY - Prepare as directed above, adding 1 package (10 ounces) frozen strawberries with the sugar and vanilla. Continue as directed.
  9. CINNAMON - Add 2 (4-inch) cinnamon sticks to rice. After soaking remove cinnamon sticks and discard. Continue as directed above.
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