Rhubarb Sauce on Custard

This is a very simple, very delicious recipe. The flavors of the custard and the rhubarb blend very nicely. Show more

Ready In: 25 mins

Serves: 6




  1. Cut rhubarb in to one inch pieces and place with water in a pot. Bring to a boil and then lower heat to a simmer. Allow to stew, uncovered, until the rhubarb cooks down. You want it the consistency of chunky apple sauce.
  2. Add the honey and lemon juice and remove from heat. Stir well.
  3. Place the cream and agar flakes in a thick bottomed pot. Heat the cream over low heat until it just starts to bubble.
  4. Remove from heat.
  5. Put three egg yolks in a small bowl or cup. Add the heated cream, one tablespoon at a time, to the egg yolks, stirring after each addition, until the eggs become warm. You do not want them to bake, just to be closer to the temperature of the cream.
  6. Add the yolks into the pot of cream and stir well. Put back on low heat and bring back to a near boil.
  7. Place the vanilla and stevia in a glass bowl and put a sieve over it. Pour the custard through the sieve, into the bowl. A lot of the agar flakes and any cooked egg will remain in the sieve to be discarded.
  8. Pour custard into six small bowls. Set aside until the rhubarb is finished.
  9. Spoon the rhubarb over the custard and serve.
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