Red Sky Cashew-Encrusted Tuna

My husband and I honeymooned in Sanderling, and visited the Red Sky Cafe at least 3 times during our stay. Recipe courtesy Chef Wes Steppe from the Red Sky Cafe in Duck, NC. Prep time includes sitting time for salad. Show more

Ready In: 1 hr 21 mins

Serves: 2




  1. Combine beans, noodles, sesame oil, soy and sesame seeds with the bok choy and cabbage.
  2. Let it marinate at least 1 hour.
  3. Dredge tuna steak in cashews.
  4. Heat olive oil in saute pan.
  5. When oil is hot, saute tuna on each side about 2 minutes per side for medium rare steak.
  6. Heat bean and noodle salad in saute pan.
  7. Serve tuna on top of pasta salad and finish with fresh salsa.
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