A delicious dessert chock full of fresh raspberries, offset with white chocolate cream.

Ready In: 1 hr

Serves: 10-12




  1. preheat oven to 180 Celsius.
  2. FOR THE BASE.using a processor, blitz the flour and butter until a sandy texture.
  3. add the eggs and sugar and pulse till a dough comes together.
  4. remove the dough from the processor and knead together. wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  5. roll dough out to cover a 25 x 4 cm pie dish. trim edges. (there will be some dough left over).
  6. prick all over the bottom and a bit on the sides with a fork.
  7. cook for approximately 35 minutes or until golden. if pastry is browning to fast, cover with foil.
  8. cool completely.
  9. FOR THE FILLING.using an electric mixer, beat the cream cheese together with the icing sugar until smooth.
  10. beat in the cream until thickened. then beat in the raspberry puree.
  11. mix the gelatine with the boiling water, stirring until dissolved. cool slightly then beat into the raspberry mixture until well combined.
  12. pour filling into the base and refrigerate till set, at least 6 hours. wait at least 4 hours before applying topping.
  13. FOR THE TOP.remove 2 tablespoons of cream from the 350 ml. put aside.
  14. whip the rest of the cream with the icing sugar to soft peaks.
  15. in a heat proof bowl over a pot of boiling water, melt the chocolate stirring till smooth. remove from heat, cool slightly, then stir in the 2 tablespoons of cream. stir till smooth.
  16. beat the white chocolate into the whipped cream, beating till thick and firm.
  17. TO PUT TOGETHER. spoon the raspberry puree over the top of the filling.
  18. pipe or spoon the cream around the edge of the flan.
  19. decorate as desired. keep refrigerated.
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