Quick and Easy Iced Coffee

I've been decaffeinated for decades now,but enjoy the flavor of coffee. This recipe makes a delicious drink I love while I'm working at the desk in the afternoon. Sounds like a Torani advertisement, but I have a lot of the sugar free Torani flavors on hand and love to try different flavor combinations. This recipe uses the sugar-free chocolate and vanilla syrups combination. Show more

Ready In: 5 mins

Serves: 1

Yields: 1 Large Glass


  • 1  cup water
  • 1  tablespoon instant coffee crystals (caffeine or decaf, your call)
  • 1  tablespoon  chocolate syrup (I use Torani sugar-free)
  • 1  tablespoon  vanilla  syrup (I use Torani sugar-free)
  • 14 cup half-and-half (or if you really want it rich, Heavy Cream)
  • 1  glass  ice cube


  1. Fill a large measuring cup with the water.
  2. Add coffee crystals and stir.
  3. Add flavored syrups and Half and Half (cream) and stir thoroughly.
  4. Fill a glass with ice cubes and pour coffee mixture over the ice.
  5. Should taste like coffee ice cream. Tip: serve with a straw, so if the ice cubes shift you don't spill it on your clothes!
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