Pretty Much Fat Free Peach Dumplings

My kids and I went peach picking and had a ton of wonderful peaches to use up! This is a recipe I found somewhere on line and tweaked a bunch. It is still high sugar, but is low fat. It also is not the prettiest looking dessert I have ever seen. But it is homey comfort food that tastes great! I actually used 1/3 cup splenda and 2/3 cup sugar with great results. Also, we used the 2 cups of peaches specified in the original recipe. But my husband said that next time he would like more peaches. (He ate most of it in 1 sitting so he definitely liked it, but I will try more peaches next time for him!) Show more

Ready In: 35 mins

Serves: 4




  1. Combine the 1 cup sugar and hot water in a pan.
  2. Add the sliced peaches.
  3. Bring it to a boil.
  4. Make the dumplings by combining the flour, baking powder, 2 teaspoons sugar and salt.
  5. Then add the milk and mix.
  6. Mine was quite thin.
  7. Drop large spoonfuls onto the boiling syrup.
  8. It will sink.
  9. Cover and let boil for 20 minutes.
  10. Spoon it all out of the pan and let it sit.
  11. Serve warm or cold.
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