Potato Wontons

This is a good way to use up left over mashed potatoes and the choice of barbeque or mayonnaise can satisfy the football group or the neighbours. They can also be left out of the mixture and added just before wrapping. The crisp wrapper with flavourful fluffy middle sporting an occasional bacon or onion crunch is a big pleaser Show more

Ready In: 20 mins

Yields: 15 wontons




  1. Blend mashed potato, onion, garlic, and cayenne powder and ground black pepper.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons mayonnaise for a mellower taste or 2 tablespoons barbeque sauce for an extra kick. Blend well.
  3. Mix in chopped green onions and cheese thoroughly.
  4. Crumble bacon, mix in potato mixture, combine thoroughly.
  5. Place by spoonful in wonton wrapper.
  6. Wrap wonton and fry until crispy, golden brown.
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