Potato Pancakes

From Falling Cloudberries by Tessa Kiros. They don't look especially quick and easy to make but I think would be lovely served when you know you've got company coming for dinner. Not yet tried (so times are estimated) but look yummy! Show more

Ready In: 40 mins

Yields: 18 Pancakes




  1. Boil the potatoes for approximately 15 mins until soft.
  2. Mash / pass them through a food mill and stir in the cream.
  3. Add the flour, nutmeg and some pepper. Mix well and leave to cool a little.
  4. Lightly whisk the egg yolks and whisk into the cooled potatoes. Whip up the egg whites to soft peaks and fold into the potato batter.
  5. Add some salt if necessary.
  6. Melt a little butter and oil in a frying pan over a medium heat.
  7. Once hot, drop in spoonfulls of the batter and cook for 1-2 mins each side until golden.
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