Potato Latkes

These are delicious served plain with a bit of salt sprinkled on them or traditionally with apple sauce or sour cream. Serving size is approximate. You may grate potatoes if you like, but we prefer them chopped. Show more

Ready In: 1 hr 20 mins

Serves: 6

Yields: 1 batch




  1. Cut peeled potatoes into chunks and chop in food processor.
  2. Cut onions into chunks and chop in food processor.
  3. Mix potatoes and onions together in a colander over a large bowl.
  4. Allow to drain.
  5. Pour mixture into a large bowl and add beaten eggs, salt, pepper, baking powder, sugar, and a tablespoon of flour at-a-time until mixture holds together.
  6. Mix well.
  7. In a fry pan, melt shortening.
  8. You'll need about 1/8".
  9. Spoon heaping tablespoons of the mixture into the oil.
  10. Flatten each spoonful with the back of the spoon to make thin latkes.
  11. Fry until the edges turn a dark brown.
  12. Flip over to fry the other side.
  13. Drain on a paper towel.
  14. Serve with apple sauce and/or sour cream.
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