Pork Loin with Wine Sauce

This makes a superbly tender loin. Have also used recipe with venison loin and the results are excellent. When I use a venison loin, I marinate in salt water, beer or other marinade for several hours to remove wild game taste and use meat tenderizer before cooking. Show more

Ready In: 3 hrs 20 mins

Serves: 4-6

Yields: 1 loin




  1. Heat oil in a large skillet and brown loin on all sides.
  2. Remove loin from skillet, add onion and cook until tender.
  3. Add flour; cook and stir until lightly browned.
  4. Add chick stock, wine, garlic, bay leaf, minced parsley, salt and pepper.
  5. Cook and stir over low heat until sauce is thoroughly blended.
  6. Place browned loin in small roasting pan; pour wine sauce over top.
  7. Cover and cook at 325 degrees for 2- 2 1/2 hours depending on size of loin.
  8. Remove loin and slice thinly.
  9. To serve, arrange loin on platter and drizzle with reserved sauce.
  10. Pass remaining sauce.
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