Pizza House Meat & Cheese Stromboli

Paired with a nice salad, these Stromboli make for a quick, easy and filling dinner, as well as a fabulous appetizer when sliced into bite size servings. I serve them with a cold ranch dressing and a warm pizza Contadina brand pizza sauce. Have fun with them! Show more

Ready In: 25 mins

Serves: 4

Yields: 32 Appetizers




  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
  2. Break open the tube of dough and remove it from container. Dust your hands and lightly coat the board with flour or cornmeal then roll out dough onto work surface. Stretch out dough, gently spreading out the rectangle shape it has been formed into already.
  3. Cut the thin rectangular dough into 4 equal pieces, working across the dough: cut it in half and cut each half in half again.
  4. Cover each piece of dough with: 6 slices pepperoni, 1 1/2 slices cheese, 1 1/2 slices capicola ham and 2 slices Genoa salami. Roll each piece on an angle (like a crescent roll) from corner to corner making a long roll that is thicker in the middle and thinner on each end.
  5. Brush rolls with extra-virgin olive oil then mix sesame seeds, cheese and seasonings in a small cup, sprinkle and pat the mixture into the dough.
  6. Bake until evenly golden, 12 to 14 minutes then serve.
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