Pickled Radish Pods

Please note that the ingredients below says 'radishes', because the Zaar computer program doesn't believe me that I mean radish pods ;-) But I do - this is what you can do with those radishes which have run to seed. This recipe is a response from Zeldaz to a plea for a recipe for pickled radish pods I placed on the preserving forum. Thanks again, Zeldaz! You're a star. Knowing that I'm a newbie to pickling, she advised "As the recipe I found does not call for processing in a boiling water bath, I recommend these be stored only in the fridge." Show more

Ready In: 20 mins

Yields: 1 pint




  1. Pick the pods on a dry day, sort through them and discard any that are blemished or hard.
  2. Make up a brine with salt and 1 pint water and plunge the pods into it while still hot. If they look bright green they are ready for pickling. If not, strain them off, re-boil the brine and repeat the process.
  3. Strain off the brine and wash the pods under cold water to get rid of excess salt.
  4. Drain well and pack into clean, sterilised jars with the dried chillis.
  5. Heat up the vinegar and boil for 5 mins, then cool.
  6. Pour over the pods, seal and store for a couple of months.
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