Persian-Flavored Wild Rice Salad

This is a recipe of my own, using flavor combinations from Iran and west-central Asia (not flavored with actual Persians, as the title might seem to suggest). Pomegranate syrup is available in Middle Eastern stores; there is also a product sold by Trader Joe's called "Pomegranate Glaze" which would work, too. If you feel that the syrup is too tart, you could add a tiny amount of sugar to smooth it out a bit. Walnut oil could also be substituted for the olive oil. Show more

Ready In: 1 hr

Serves: 4




  1. Cook wild rice according to package directions, substituting stock for water. Cool to room temperature.
  2. Meanwhile, gently dry-toast the walnuts in a skillet, keeping a close eye on them. This should take 10 or so minutes.
  3. Toss the cooled rice with oil, then syrup. Salt to taste.
  4. Garnish with toasted walnuts.
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