Penzey's Apple Cake

From the Penzeys Spice Fall 2006 Catalogue. Said to be "always fabulous"!

Ready In: 1 hr 50 mins

Serves: 24




  1. Put beaten eggs in a 1 cup measuring cup and fill with water.
  2. In a roomy bowl, combinee flour and salt. Cut in shortening.
  3. Add the egg yolk/water mix and stir until incorporated. Set aside.
  4. In a seperate bowl, combine sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Set aside.
  5. Preheat oven to 450 degrees.
  6. Divide the dough in half.
  7. Roll half out to fit a 16 1/2 by 12 1/2 cookie sheet.
  8. Sprinkle with half of the vanilla wafer crumbs.
  9. Spread half of the appple slices on top of the crumbs.
  10. Sprinkle the rest of the vanilla wafer crumbs on top of the first layer of apple slices.
  11. Top with the rest of the apple slices.
  12. Sprinkle cinnamon/sugar/nutmeg on top of second layer of apple slices.
  13. Roll out second half of dough large enough to cover bottom layer of dough and apple filling.
  14. Lightly moisten perimeter of bottom layer of dough and water.
  15. Place second layer of dough on top of bottom layer of dough and apples.
  16. Seal the two layers of dough and crimp.
  17. Make a few small slits in the top crust to le t steam escape.
  18. Bake at 450 for 20 minutes. The apples will be slightly firm.
  19. Combine the powdered sugar and water to make a glaze. Pour the glaze over the cake while the cake is still warm, but NOT hot.
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