Peanut Ramen

This is a quick and cheap way to make ramen noodles edible (and surprisingly tasty...) with things I have around all of the time. It's also reasonably balanced (starch, vegetable and protein). I like to use natural peanut butter because the pea liquid usually adds enough sweetness for my tastes. Show more

Ready In: 10 mins

Serves: 4




  1. Boil the water, liquid from the peas, the garlic, the ginger and the red pepper flakes in a saucepan.
  2. When the mixture comes to a boil, add the seasoning packet from the ramen and the noodles as well as the peas. Bring it all back up to a boil.
  3. Turn off the element and let it sit for five minutes so that the noodles absorb the water and the peas heat through.
  4. At the end, stir in the peanut butter, the tuna and the juice from the lemon.
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