Over-The-Top Chocolate and Macadamia Brownies

As the name suggests, these are not a brownie to be taken lightly! They are, however, very, very, seriously yummy! I didn't bother with the icing sugar and would probably substitute the milk chocolate for even more dark chocolate next time ... but that may be being a glutton for punishment! :D Show more

Ready In: 50 mins

Serves: 24

Yields: 24 brownies




  1. Preheat oven to 170 degrees Celcius.
  2. Line a 20 cm square shallow cake pan with baking paper.
  3. Combine the chocolate and butter in a medium pan and stir over low heat until smooth; remove from heat.
  4. Stir in sugar and eggs, mix well.
  5. Fold in combined sifted flours, then macadamias, milk chocolate and extra dark chocolate.
  6. Pour mixture into pan, spread evenly.
  7. Bake for about 35 minutes or until moist crumbs cling to the skewer when tested. Cool in the pan.
  8. To serve, cut into small pieces and dust with icing sugar.
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