Orange Slices in Orange Mousse

The fresh orange slices and the sweet, smooth orange-flavoured sabayon work very well together!

Ready In: 1 hr

Serves: 4-6


  • 6  oranges
  • 2  egg yolks
  • 1  teaspoon  grated orange zest
  • 2  tablespoons  citrus  liqueur
  • 100  ml sugar
  • 2  teaspoons  vanilla sugar
  • 100  ml  whipping cream
  • Orange julienne

  • 1  orange, rind of, julienned
  • 1  tablespoon sugar
  • 2  tablespoons water


  1. Wash oranges with hot water, scrubbing well.
  2. Grate 1 ts of zest from one orange; cut the peel of another orange into fine julienne strips.
  3. Cook the orange julienne: measure sugar, water and orange strips into a saucepan and simmer until liquid has evaporated. Arrange orange strips on baking parchment in swirls and allow to cool.
  4. Juice one orange (you should get about 100 ml of juice). Peel and slice the remaining five oranges and also remove all the white pith and membranes surrounding the slices.
  5. Now make the orange sauce: place egg yolks, orange juice, grated zest and sugar on top of a double boiler. Heat gently and whip until the mixture is thick and pale yellow, and tiny bubbles form. Remove from heat.
  6. Add liqueur and vanilla sugar and keep whisking until the mixture has cooled down. Keep sauce in the fridge until ready to serve.
  7. Just before serving, whip whipping cream until stiff peaks form. Fold whipped cream into orange sauce.
  8. Divide orange slices between dessert bowls and spoon orange mousse on top. Garnish with orange julienne swirls.
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