Orange Marmalade

Traditional orange marmalade.

Ready In: 3 hrs 20 mins

Yields: 6 pints




  1. Wash fruit thoroughly and remove any blemishes.
  2. Slice the fruit very thinly (or use a mandoline) and remove any seeds.
  3. Put fruit in your heaviest stainless steel pot.
  4. Pour water over the fruits and let stand overnight covered.
  5. The next day simmer the fruit slowly until tender.
  6. Measure the cooked fruit and for each cup add 2/3 cup of sugar.
  7. Cook this mixture rapidly until it jells (from 30 to 60 minutes).
  8. Check for jelling by dipping in a spoon and holding it up to see whether it clings to the spoon and makes a ridge on the edge of the spoon.
  9. Pour into hot sterilized jars and seal.
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