Oat and Fig Squares

Figs, rich in antioxidants, are combined with fiber-filled oats, whole-grain flour, and honey to make a snack that is healthier than a standard cookie or energy bar. I think they are quite delicious! The recipe is adapted from one published in "Delicious Living", a magazine provided complimentary by our local health food store; it was included in a feature on reducing sugar cravings and making healthier substitutions. Be sure to use whole-wheat pastry flour--you won't get the same results with regular whole-wheat flour. Show more

Ready In: 40 mins

Serves: 16

Yields: 16 2X2-inch squares




  1. Preheat oven to 350F . Put figs in a small saucepan, cover with water, and bring to a boil. Turn off heat and let figs soften for 5-7 minutes. Do not drain.
  2. Lightly coat an 8X8-inch baking pan with cooking spray (or line with parchment paper or nonstick foil). In a small bowl, mix canola oil or butter, honey, and milk. In a medium bowl, combine flour, rolled oats, baking soda, and salt; add wet ingredients, then mix well.
  3. Remove softened figs from water and place in a blender or food processor. Add 3 tablespoons of the rehydrating water and puree until smooth. (I added a tiny bit more water as they still seemed a little thick to spread easily.).
  4. Place a little more than half of the oat mixture in the prepared pan and spread evenly across the bottom. (It was sticking to my hands a bit, so I laid waxed paper over it to press on as I evened it out.) Spread figs evenly on top. Add remaining oat mixture on top of fig layer, allowing some of the figs to show through. (I just pinched off bits of the dough and dropped them evenly over the top.) Pat lightly to flatten.
  5. Bake for 20 minutes. Remove from oven and cool completely in pan on a wire rack. When cool, cut into 16 squares.
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