Not so Sweet Passionfruit Curd for Passover

I like to cut down on sugar these days and this combination still works for me. Its a great change from the ubiquitous lemon curd at Peasach. Great with added whipped cream on sponge cakes or meringues Show more

Ready In: 15 mins

Serves: 6

Yields: 1 jar




  1. Melt butter and sugar together in a pan.
  2. Add eggs and passionfriut and very gently heat until thickened stirring all the time.
  3. When thick enough for you - this may take up to 10 minutes - then pot into clean dry jars and store in the fridge ready for use.
  4. Note, this can be done in the microwave in very short bursts.
  5. Be careful you don't get scrambled eggs with passionfruit sauce!
  6. Not sure how much this gives as it is different each time due to the juiciness of the fruit.
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