No Longer Kitchen Sink Shrimp & Veggie Curry

Like many families on tight budgets w/sml children, there were times we couldn’t figure out what mama was feeding us but her answer was always the same when we asked. *Everything but the kitchen sink* was her way of saying whatever she found in the fridge or needed to be used. It’s called leftovers, we all do it & on occasion they evolve into family favorites that get repeated often. That’s the history of this dish, but the real story is that about every 3 mo or so, I get into 1 of my *I am lazy and do not want to cook moods* & suggest to DH that we order from Kinohusið (China House). 1 dish we always order comes w/a lrg amt of julienne strips of leek & cucumber + they always send enough rice to feed the population of Iceland. I hate waste, so usually make a fruit & veggie-based shrimp curry the next day. *Pls Note* - This curry does not pretend to be fine-dining cuisine, but rather a very quick-fix w/minimal cooking, ingredient-friendly & family-pleaser 1-dish meal that even your kids will like, you can feel free to make your own according to your pers pref & can be made ahead as it rewarms nicely. (Time does include time to cook the carrot & rice) *Enjoy* Show more

Ready In: 28 mins

Serves: 6




  1. Place 1st 7 ingredients (carrot thru pineapple) in a lrg saucepan & stir to combine. Over lowest heat, warm mixture for 10 min (This allows flavors to blend & raisins to plump).
  2. Raise heat to simmer, add julienned leek & cucumber + baby shrimp & cook for 3 minutes. DO NOT BOIL. If using either or both of the optional veggie adds, add & cont to simmer till just well-warmed (This is meant to be chunky, texturally crisp & eaten w/a spoon).
  3. Serve immediately in a soup bowl over mounded rice, allow to sit for use as needed or store in refrigerator for use that nite or the next day. So easy!

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