Mother's Day Breakfast Cobbler

Given that I was out late the day before Mother's Day this year, I knew there was no way I'd be able to get up early enough to bring my mother breakfast in bed, as tradition dictates. So instead, I bought her a new crockpot, and put it in the oven when I got home, filled with this simple breakfast cobbler, so that when she awoke, the house was full of the smell of cooked apples and cinnamon, and she had a hot breakfast waiting for her. It's quite filling, so it'll feed more people than you'd expect. It can be refrigerated and reheated. Show more

Ready In: 8 hrs 5 mins

Serves: 4-6




  1. Place all of the ingredients into a small crock, and mix well.
  2. Place in an oven, and let it cook overnight at about 70 - 100ºC.
  3. Serve with thickened cream.

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