Mother in Law's Corn Bread Dressing

I had a hard time finding a good dressing recipe when I first started making Christmas and Thanksgiving Dinner. I told my husband to ask my mother in law for her recipe and I had more success after receiving it. This is a basic recipe for cornbread dressing. You can add in your favorite ingredients. Show more

Ready In: 44 mins

Serves: 6-8




  1. Heat the oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Saute the onions over medium heat for 4 minutes. Stirring constantly.
  3. Crumble the cornbread into a pan and add in the saute onions.
  4. Add the cream of celery and black pepper. Mix the ingredients.
  5. Add the chicken broth until everything is well-blended.
  6. Spoon the cornbread mixture into a pan and spread evenly. Cover with foil.
  7. Take the foil off after 30 minutes.
  8. Cook the dressing uncovered for 10 additional minutes.
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