Moroccan Grilled Pepper and Tomato Salad (Chakchuka)

Here's a salad that evokes the smells and tastes of Morocco. 'Chakchuka' is a wonderful side dish that refreshes with the tanginess of preserved lemons, leaving a lovely lingering after-taste. It has real body that doesn’t leave you hungry once you have finished eating...unlike most other salads! Recipe courtesy of I have not tried this, but i think with the addition of some chickpeas & served with couscous this would be great! Time is an estimate. Show more

Ready In: 50 mins

Serves: 4-6




  1. Using the oven, grill the uncut peppers on full for 10-15 minutes until the skin starts to blister and turn charcoal black. Let cool and peel off the softened flesh, cut and dice into small squares about 2cm in size. Throw the core of the pepper and seeds away.
  2. Slice the preserved lemon into thin strips lengthways.
  3. Drain and chop the tomatoes into bite sized pieces and in a large frying pan combine with all the olive oil.
  4. Add the garlic with the paprika and salt to the fry pan and cook over a medium heat for 15 or 20 minutes until the ingredients become dry and solid. Stir the mixture, taking care it does not burn.
  5. Now, add the peppers, the preserved lemon, and the parsley.
  6. Cook for a further 5-10 minutes to really thicken the sauce. Serve hot and enjoy!
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