Molded Chocolate Pudding

An ultra-chocolatey, not too sweet dessert from the Creole chapter of the United States Regional Cookbook, Culinary Arts Institute of Chicago, 1947. Chilling time not included in preparation time. Show more

Ready In: 20 mins

Serves: 8




  1. Heat chocolate, sugar and milk in the top of a double boiler over water until chocolate is melted.
  2. Soften gelatin in water; add to chocolate mixture.
  3. Pour the mixture into a moist (or lightly sprayed with cooking spray) mold and chill until firm.
  4. Whip egg whites until stiff and fold in marshmallow cream.
  5. Turn out onto a chilled serving plate and garnish with mounds of egg whites.
  6. Place a cherry in the center of each mound.
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