Model's Honey Egg Facial Mask

If you want dewy looking skin before going out try this! This is a very old recipe used by model's all over the world before putting on their make-up. The light will pick-up the soft dew which will give you a soft natural glow on film. Since my teenage years I have use this secret it never ceases to amaze even after many years. I used this for bride's when I was a make- up artist but if using for a wedding day the mask must be done the night before as a wedding day is usually very hectic and stressful! Show more

Ready In: 35 mins

Serves: 1

Yields: 1 facial


  • 1  egg white (extra large egg or egg whites in a carton)
  • 1  tablespoon honey (heaping)


  1. Whip the room temperature egg whites until "very stiff dry" peaks form.
  2. Slowly add honey and continue to whip egg whites until "very stiff dry" glossy peaks form and there is a reduction in amount of egg white mixture.
  3. "Please, beat mixture until extremely stiff peaks are formed".
  4. Must put mask on in layers until about 2 inches thick on a clean face & neck leaving the nostrils, the entire eye and mouth area free of mask.
  5. Sitting up in the beginning of application will cause the mask to slip off the face lie down for applicacation until egg white mask is very hard and cracking if you try to move your facial muscles and face will feel impossible to move your mouth into a smile without cracking the mask.This very important because room temperature can affect how long it takes for this to dry. Best utilization of this recipe is for the mask to be very hard before you wash it off with warm to hot water.
  6. Pat dry face with towel.
  7. Wait 1 hour before putting on make-up skin will be dewy and make-up will blend beautifully.
  8. Note: 1 egg white to 1 tablespoon honey unless you want a firmer mask add more honey slowly and very carefully as the mixture becomes a meringue and you see how the peaks are forming the firmer the better; mask will hold together.
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