Mocha Tortoni Mousse

Toronto chef Trish Magwood developed this delicious and impresssive Holiday dessert which can be made ahead and frozen for weeks. Serve in a straight-sided glass bowl, trifle bowl or individual glasses and freeze for at least two hours. Another recipe found in our local newspaper - Show more

Ready In: 20 mins

Serves: 8-10




  1. In a clean medium bowl, beat egg whites until foamy.
  2. Add instant coffee and salt and beat until combined. Gradually add 1/4 cup sugar and beat until soft peaks form.
  3. In a separate bowl, whip cream until soft peaks form.
  4. Beat in vanilla and 1/2 cup sugar. Fold in 1/4 cup slivered almonds and transfer to a large glass bowl or individual glasses and freeze at least 2 hours.
  5. Garnish with remaining slivered almonds and grated chcocolate.
  6. TIP: To roast nuts - Roast in a single layer on a baking sheet in a 350F oven for about 10 minutes. Allow them to get light brown, remove and cool.
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